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The natural "powerful aphrodisiac" is amazing after eating! Stronger than velvet antler, men eat it to nourish the liver and strengthen the kidneys, women eat noodles like peach blossoms

Hello everyone, I'm joney! The development is getting better and better. Nowadays, many men and women are under a lot of pressure. They either stay up late and work overtime, or they can’t sleep well with their babies. After a long period of time, many problems gradually appear in various functions of our bodies, such as Men are prone to physical fatigue and memory loss. When the seasons change, the body is prone to diseases, and even serious liver problems.

But we women are not so good. In addition to staying up late and working overtime, like married women, we also have to consider family issues, housework, and supporting parents. If the child is young, we have to stay up late to watch Children, at this time, our body's Yang Qi is insufficient, which leads to insomnia, anxiety, abnormal menstruation, pale complexion and so on. In fact, these problems are all related to a function of our body, which is the "kidney". As long as the kidney is good, the functions of our body can be balanced. Today, joney will share with you, a natural "powerful aphrodisiac", eating It's amazing, it's stronger than deer antler, men eat it to nourish the liver and strengthen the kidneys, women eat noodles like peach blossoms, if you don't know it yet, let's follow my content now to see it!

Natural "powerful aphrodisiac" Lycium barbarum leaves

Lycium barbarum leaves, I believe I often ate and saw them in the older generation, but we seldom eat wolfberry leaves in our generation. Don’t underestimate this wolfberry leaf. It can be recognized as a big natural aphrodisiac. Our seasonal vegetables in spring, especially in April, when they are fresh, especially those who have poor kidneys and often stay up late, should buy more and go back to eat. Lycium barbarum leaves contain a lot of flavonoids, alkaloids, trace elements, etc. It is especially friendly to friends who often stay up late and have poor liver and kidney. It enters the liver, nourishes the kidneys, and nourishes yang.

Recommended recipe: Goji Leaf Egg Soup

Production Method:

1. First of all, when we go to buy wolfberry leaves, we must pay special attention. Many merchants tend to mix some leaves that are not wolfberry leaves in the wolfberry leaves. The roots of wolfberry leaves have thorns. It is similar to the width of 2 fingers, and if you find that the wolfberry leaves are crushed or left too long to get old, don't buy it. This is something that needs attention.

2. For the wolfberry leaves we bought, we first remove the roots and heads of the wolfberry leaves, as long as the fresh and tender parts are left. After the removal, we continue to put the wolfberry leaves in clean water and start Scrub the wolfberry leaves clean. During the scrubbing process, it should be noted that the roots of our wolfberry leaves are all thorny. Remember to wear gloves for cleaning, otherwise you will be stabbed by the thorns. After cleaning, Drain in a basket.

3. Start the pot and boil the water. After the water boils, we put the wolfberry leaves into the pot, add an appropriate amount of cooking oil, and then press down the wolfberry leaves with chopsticks, so that all the vegetable leaves can be soaked. When cooking for about 5 minutes, we have to see if the prickly part of the wolfberry leaf has softened and can be eaten. If it is softened, we will put 3 free eggs into the pot and use it Stir quickly with chopsticks, cook for about 2-3 minutes, add salt to taste and then remove, then our nutritious, healthy and delicious wolfberry leaf egg soup is complete.

at last:

Well, the above is what I would like to share with you today. The natural "big yang-strengthening family" is powerful after eating. It is stronger than deer antler. Men eat to nourish the liver and strengthen the kidneys, and women eat noodles like peach blossoms. Wolfberry leaves are added with nutritious eggs. It is light and healthy. It is very good to eat at the turn of spring, whether it is for boys or girls. After reading it, remember to share it with your family and subscribe to the joney food channel. I am joney, and I will continue to give it to the next issue Everyone share more food and life, thank you!

The natural "powerful aphrodisiac" is amazing after eating! Stronger than velvet antler, men eat it to nourish the liver and strengthen the kidneys, women eat noodles like peach blossoms The natural "powerful aphrodisiac" is amazing after eating!  Stronger than velvet antler, men eat it to nourish the liver and strengthen the kidneys, women eat noodles like peach blossoms Reviewed by joney on April 15, 2023 Rating: 5

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